This section will be used to present the experiments that have been programmed on and that we want to share with others. We will start with educational experiments that have been used many times in class/lectures and have been described in articles. Some of these articles have already been published, and some are still waiting.
The descriptions on this page are technical – how to run experiments in labsee. The included additional materials are elements of the didactic process, enabling students to independently learn economic theory based on the experiments’ results. These materials are not of a standard form. They are R projects for compiling an instant statistical report from experimental data. It is enough to transfer the obtained results as a .csv file from to the R project folder and click one button to generate a report with a theory description. The reports are a sort of interactive textbook.
Creating reports is the same for all experiments.
Download one by one data for all needed treatments. Remember to use the proper name of the data:
- results-treatment-2.csv
- ….
- results-treatment-1.csv
[Sometimes the browser adds a number of a copy like this results-treatment-1(5).csv ]
Download project R from the website, unzip it and copy the data to the project folder. If you want to share the whole project with students, anonymize the data – remove the column containing the logins (Name)
You have to install R-CRAN ( and Rstudio (
Open the R project ( .Rproj). Then, open the R-Markdown file **raport **.Rmd, click Run Document, and you obtain the interactive report in which students can see their results by choosing their nickname from the list.
If everything works, the teachers can publish the report to the Shiny server or they can send a zipped folder with the project to students so that they can generate a report on their computers.